Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

It was Easter Week in our house! Three egg hunts..........

#1 for the Moms Club

#2 at a friends. She had 20 kids and 500 eggs!

Lastly, Ours on Easter Day!

I had family at my house and my best friend and her family. What a day! 75 degrees! Living in New England you never know what the weather will be like. Last year it was cold and we had a fire going in the wood stove! This year it was shorts and sandals!

I finally was able to get a family picture. It isn't very often that we are all together!

My big girls wanted a picture with me. They are never to big to sit on my lap!

The little kids needed in on the picture too!

1 comment:

Karla said...

Your family pictures are great! Everyone looks wonderful.

Yes, I am loving the weather. Wish I had done some family pics!