Friday, April 10, 2009

Breakfast of Champions!

Yes, my kids are eating pepperoni for breakfast right now.

There are some days when you don't feel like arguing about food.

This is one of them.


Rebecca Jo said...

I used to HATE breakfast food... my mom would make me spaghetti or pizza for breakfast!!! as long as their eating! ;o)

Sarah said...

Protein, right? :)

Unknown said...

My nutritionist says to get plenty of protein first thing in the AM!

I'm trying to visit all of my Followers this week. Some people are getting an error message "stack overflow" when they visit my blog, and others. If this happens, you can just empty your Temp or Temp Internet folder. Or try using Firefox as your browser. It is a quirk of Blogger and Internet Explorer that sometimes happens. I'm hoping this works out and you'll continue to visit!

shortmama said...

My daughter does that on the weekends lol

Lisa and Curtis said...

Yum! Nothin' wrong with that;)

Ann On and On... said...

Yup, choose your battles. :)

Jumped over from have a cheery blog.

Come on over to my blog, I have a super cute Monogram Bag giveaway going on!

Barely Domestic Mama said...

This made me giggle. At least they are eating something. My little guy had Dunkin' Donuts munchkin for breakfast yesterday. :)

Stopping by from SITS.

John Deere Mom said...

Oh, I am so glad I'm not the only one who does this!

Claremont First Ward said...

Isn't pepperoni protein? I give to two thumbs up. :)

MoodyMommy said...

That is sooo good!! There are days I do not fight with them either!!