Friday, October 17, 2008

How I Get My Baby Fix!

I had the pleasure of watching my good friend, Lauren's, daughter today. Grace is 3 months old. You would have thought the Pope was at my house. She got more attention than anyone I have ever seen walk through my door!

Grace just getting to our house.

Her being here just under an hour

And......a little while later!

As you can see, poor Grace had to stare at their cute faces all day!

Here is Tommy telling her "you're so cute, I want to take care of you forever" in his best "Baby Talk" voice. The "Parrot" Katie is trying to take part in this also. In case Lauren is reading this, Katie did NOT sneeze all over Grace. She did "catch it" with her hands. Which I promptly wiped!


Unknown said...

Wow! Talk about some sweet kids! They're adorable! I love your daughter's sneeze face at the end. That's hilarious! I'm waiting for my good friend to have her baby so I can get my baby fix, too.

oº˚ Homeschool Mom˚ºo said...

How cute! Your little girl is loving that baby!

Much Love

Karla said...

So cute Rebecca!!!!

Lisa and Curtis said...

First of all, I LOVE your new layout! Sooo cute!

Secondly, that is the cutest vid, and I love how you explained the sneeze to her mom! lol too funny!

Third, can I have some of those baby cheeks? My gosh, just looking at her made my uterus twitch. LMAO

Cute, cute, cute!

tracey said...

So many funny things! They were glued to her side! Thomas is just a doll. "I want to take care of you forever". We will remind him of that when he gets older! And katie the "parrot"!! LOLOL

Kaycee said...

Aww!! I can't wait for my more day! YAY! :)

Grace has some chunky that!!