Thursday, October 16, 2008


Katie and Tommy have always been great sleepers, sleeping through the night since they were infants. Tommy has always asked to go to bed when he is tired. We have had parties at our house and he has been known to ask to go to bed in the middle of them! Katie has also never really given us a problem either.

So why at the age of 2 & 5 do they wake up several times in the night? Katie has been waking up at least twice every night for weeks. Tommy has been waking up once several times a week. I don't get it. Aren't they supposed to be out of that stage? Don't they know that Momma needs her sleep? I am a cranky Ogre if I don't get enough sleep. Really, it would benefit all involved to JUST SLEEP ALL NIGHT!


London said...

I'm sure you're much cuter than that ogre! I hope your kiddos start sleeping better soon. Batman is toying with the idea of giving up naps all together and I'm really hoping he won't!

Unknown said...

It'll be a passing phase. My 2 year old went through that recently and it only lasted about a week. I've had to be really careful about what time nap time is and what time they fall asleep to make it a whole night though.

Kaycee said...

Oh gosh I was going to post about the same thing this week, but i've whined enough. LOL! FINALLY we had a break through last night :) I hope you do too :(

tracey said...

I like how you added the picture of ogre! Good thinking! That is how mike looks in the morning! LOL