Now she won't stop!
For months now we have worried about Katie and her speech. She is delayed and sees a Speech Therapist once a week, in our home. She has been in th program almost 6 months.
The past 2 weeks she has had an explosion of words. For good and bad.
She likes to tattle now. When a sister or brother is not doing something right0Ii hear "Moooooooooommmmmm!" (in that whining voice)
When you try to get her dressed in the morning- "No Mom, no jammies off!"
When getting jammies on at night- "No Dad! No shirt off!"
When she needs something, she has gone from poking me and saying "yoohoo" to "Come here!" (in a 2 year old demanding voice)
She did sweetly tell my sister the other day "I love you" **awww**
Tonight at dinner she didn't want to eat "No eat dinner, Katie no eat!" But was pissed when Tommy got dessert and she didn't. "No! I eat cookie"
Kiersten, her Speech Therapist,
was working on putting 3-4 words together. Looks like it is working.
oh that is so great bec!! Of course my favorite is "I love you ti-ti"
Way to go Katie. That is awesome.
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