I am trying to potty train Katie. It isn't going so well!
I thought she was ready when she wanted to walk around the house with her pants down to her ankles. I was wrong, she just thinks it is funny to do, even in public places.
I have tried bribing with M&M's and she wants them, but won't even sit in the potty for them. Here is her little tantrum, which I find super funny, about wanting the candy, but not wanting to sit. At least she is polite saying "NO THANK YOU!"
This is the "STOP TAKING MY PICTURE" look! **haha**
Hang in there! I know it's a TON of work. BTW Batman was potty trained thanks to some bribary with M&Ms.
Try potty training rewards It worked great for our son. He loved pushing the audio button hearing he is a Big
Boy and opening a door to find chocolate surprise. He really became involved. He was peeing and pooping in his potty within a week. Have a look and see if this would work for you. www.pottytrainingrewards.com
We're having a hard time w/PT here too. For some reason Cooper thinks 4 am is the best time for #2.
Oh boy....I sure don't miss those days lol. But isn't it fun when we can get a chuckle from our childrens misery...it kinda makes up for when they turn 13! I love the "no thank you" too cute...she is so polite when she's pissed! That will have me giggling all day!
Thanks for the b-day wishes...and yes cheerleader uniforms have changed...but this was the 70's in a Mormon community...and with fathers who INSISTED our knees shouldn't even show lol
oh my god, she is so darn cute! even when crying. And how polite to say 'no thank you'. I would have given her candy just for that! SO CUTE!!!!
I'm going to venture into this territory soon... let me know if you learn any good tricks.
We are right there with you. I have tried everything with Ethan. M&M's and stickers. Nothing is working. Hang in there. You are not alone.
the more I thought about this video overnight, the more my heart broke. She is so sad rebecca, I cant watch it anymore :(
Oh we are so there too! What is up with them!?!?! Devin has now taken to pooping in his sleep so he doesn't get put on the potty against his will! :O
oh my! I'm sorry I have to laugh at that last picture. It's hilarious!
You've potty trained 3 other kiddos, maybe she just wants to prove she's the "baby" :)
Ha Ha!! I love this! Now there's a girl that knows what she wants!
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